The Best Methods To Prevent & Fix Your iPhone Water Problem
Owning an iPhone is a thing of pride, yet comes with a silent caution of handling with care. A slight mishandling and your phone may end up falling into the water while working in the kitchen or while getting drenched in rain. Besides, handing your precious iPhone to kids for playing can certainly make your heart beats run high as it may also lead to water damage. If this happens, the first thing that alarms in the mind is taking your iPhone to the nearest repair center to get the iPhone screen repair done as quickly as possible.
But before you hurry up for an iPhone repair, do read this blog. This will help gain insight into any kind of damage happens due to water as well as help to resurrect your iPhone back to life with these easy ways:
So, before we begin with elucidating the tricks to prevent and fix water damage, let's run a quick view through what problems you might face due to iPhone water damage?
- Your iPhone may fail to switch on
- May not be charging properly
- May get overheated
- Interruption in smooth functioning
- Touchpad and trackpad may fail to work
If your iPhone is experiencing the following things on getting dropped accidentally in water, then it surely requires repair.
Ways to fix water damage in your iPhone
Foremost the golden hour for preventing any damage and getting your iPhone repair is only 6 hours. If you are hoping to get your iPhone damage repair done after 24 hours, then it is fallacy.
Secondly, the damage can be two ways - either minor water damage or major water damage. Thus, you must understand the gravity of the situation and thereby take further steps.
Minor Damage
In case your iPhone has fallen slightly then it will only cause damage to the external body. Herein, wipe the outer body of your iPhone with a cotton cloth and wipe the water before it penetrates inside. This will reduce the risk of any damage occurring to the internal parts of your iPhone.
Besides, do not wait for long to clean the water or it may increase the risk of complete damage to the phone.
How to fix an iPhone that has major water damage?
In the case there is a major iPhone water damage then the water is visible on the charging slot, earpiece as well as the screen. This occurs in a situation when your iPhone has completely immersed in water. So what to do at such a time?
Here is a quick guide:
- Turn off your iPhone immediately and disassemble it carefully
- Rush to the nearest iPhone repair shop
- Get your iPhone properly checked
- Any delay can lead to damage to internal parts like Motherboard, IC, etc.
- In case of the screen-damage get the iPhone screen repair done immediately with replacement.
Waiting for too long for the water to dry out on its own will not only cause damage to the internal parts but also lead your iPhone to become completely redundant. Thus, without wasting time, get your iPhone to an iPhone Repair Center and get the damage sorted before its loss leaves burns in your pocket.